Saturday, September 17, 2016

Puppy poopy and change


So the other day Micah and I were in the back yard with our 5 little puppies.  I did not notice he was barefoot until he started crying that he had stepped in puppy poopy.  I immediately told him to sit on the walkway until I had finished the phone conversation I was on.  It was only going to take a moment and then I would go inside and get something to clean him off with.  But, suddenly I looked down and Micah was scraping the puppy poopy off his foot with a stick.  I was actually impressed with his actions until he proceeded to wipe the puppy poopy off  the stick and onto my foot...well let just say my opinion changed rapidly. 

Sometimes we think things are going in one direction and then life takes a turn and things change.  Change is icky and hard most of the time. It kinda feels like poopy being wiped on your foot.  It can catch us off guard and make you want to scream.  This past week we presented the idea of change to some of the people we are discipling and we got the "poopy on my foot" look. 


Reading scripture has been an enlightening experience for many of the people we work with.  They have generally been discouraged from reading the Bible by their religious leaders and told that they were not capable of understanding it on their own.   Slowly they are realizing that they can understand God's word.  Slowly they are finding truth.  But with that truth comes change on the horizon.  And change is hard and scary. 

When you are confronted with the fact that things you knew to be truths have suddenly been revealed as untruths it takes time to digest.  Its hard.  It takes a lot of guts to walk towards truth when your family and friends are sitting contently in the middle of untruth.  Its a bold move. 

Right now they are in the digestion phase.  Waiting for God to do his work.  Our prayers have gotten harder to utter.  I find myself asking God to bring some type of chasm to their hearts that will force them to take a leap of faith and make a choice.  However, I realize that the choice they  might make at that moment may not be what I hope.  And that has to be ok. 

My job is not to force choices or decisions on people.  My job is to give opportunity. And once the opportunity is given, it is my job to be patient while God works in the hearts of his children.  I am a doer.  So being patient and waiting take a lot of effort.  Sitting still is not my forte.  But, when God says wait there is no other good choice. 

And so right now we wait.  We wait to see how God is going to solidify these truths in the hearts of those who have heard it.  We wait to see how God will bring forth opportunity for choices to be made and commitments to be declared.  And while we wait we hold fast to the truth that God has given us in his word.  "Blessed is the man who makes the LORD his trust, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods.  Psalm 40:4"  Not all will make the difficult choice to be a follower of Christ.  And while that is not my hope for anyone, it is not my choice to make. 

Change is on the horizon.  How and when are still not clear but it is coming.  And like the puppy poopy my son scraped on my foot the choices may not be to my liking.  But until those choices are made it is my job to get on my knees and plead before the throne of God for those who have yet to surrender their lives to Him.  And so if you need me I will be praying for Gods truth to penetrate hard hearts....or scraping puppy poopy off my foot. 

Saturday, September 3, 2016

A NOT so normal normal

My normal is nuts.  No, seriously.  Normal days are in abundance here in Ecuador but they are not what you might think.  Today my co-worker and partner in crime, Jennifer, headed out for our 75 minute drive to Chaguarpamba to go to kids club (we call it bread and fish...hoping that what we teach the kids will be taken home and multiplied).  It was a normal morning.  We got in the car and got 15 minutes up the road before we had to turn back due to car trouble.  Then it died.  We called BJ for help and just as he was about to leave to come rescue us we got it started.  So, we got back to our place switched cars and headed out once again.  Along the way we came across three cars with no brake lights that really liked to brake, or suddenly pull off the road and stop in front of us.  Not so great.  We also came across a huge scary snake in the road slithering its freaky self all over ( I may embellish in size but I hate snakes so in my mind it was HUGE!).  We also came across two other dead snakes in the road.  Then we passed some large piece of road sad.  Then we came across a herd of cattle in the road.  As we pulled down the main street of town we ran over a dead rat.  Ick.  Serious ick.  Then we got to kids club and the site we use had been broken into, vandalized, littered with alcohol bottles and cigarettes, and broken water pipes.  We cleaned up and kept on going.  Club went great...made it all worth it.  It always does.  But then we started the ride home.  We got about 15 minutes up the road and stopped for a snack (I was really really tired and needed snack food to keep awake).  As we pulled out of the gas station we came across a naked man on the road side who was quickly trying to wrap a towel around his waist and scowled at us as if we had walked in on his own personal bathroom.  That's right....naked.  Then we continued on our way...trying to forget the scary naked man who had just bore images into our minds that would take many sittings of Anne of Green Gables to help us forget.  As we drove into our home town we took deep breathes and exhaled in thankfulness that we made it home in one piece.  A wise friend, upon hearing this ridiculous story said, "Satan is so stupid" and I agree. 
Its normal, maybe every day is not this absurd, but its normal.  Nothing goes without a hitch.  There are always difficulties and honestly its sometimes encouraging.  It lets us know we are still a threat to Satan.  But, without our sense of humor we would not fare so well.  We have to step back and realize that no matter how stupid Satan is.....we continue because God wins and Satan doesn't.  Boo Satan.

No pictures you really want pictures of anything I just wrote about?!?! 

Friday, September 2, 2016

Orange picking and saying No

Some people spend money on bedazzled sneakers and jewel crusted dog collars while being up to their eyeballs in debt.  Have you ever met those people who just have no clue how to manage their money?  You know, the ones who go out and blow all their money the first few days of the month and then end up living on rice and beans until the next paycheck arrives.  They are spontaneous and fun but get to know them better and they are a tornado of chaos. 
     Resultado de imagen para pictures of where did my money go                 

My husband and I are big Dave Ramsey fans.  Maybe you like him, maybe you don't, and maybe you have no idea who I am talking about (get on google!) but opinions aside, he makes you think about money.  One thing my buddy Dave talks about is what to do when you have an erratic income.  How do you have an organized budget when you never know when or how much your going to get paid.  Dave's solution is a prioritized list of bills.  First you take care of basic necessities (Food, utilities, rent/mortgage) and then you pay debts.  Basically, when the paycheck arrives you pay for the things on the top of the list and work your way down.  When you run out of money that's when you stop paying. 

I think this plan can be applied to more than just finances.  As a missionary I can be pulled at from several directions at once.  Some times are quite busy and other times are quieter and a bit calmer.  Its not a steady paycheck of time. And if I am not careful, I can get a bit overwhelmed by so much opportunity that I forget to look at my list of priorities.    Being careful with my time helps me be in charge of my schedule rather than opportunity leading me. 

My priorities currently go with me each time I plan out my schedule.   When I sit and plan out my calendar I keep this list close to my mind so that I can be sure to put opportunity in order of priority.  Instead of life being controlled by the constant flow of things to do, it is carefully planned so that I have more freedom to focus my time where it needs to be.  There is freedom in planning. 

This past week I was out in the province with  my dear co-worker Jennifer and we were visiting a sweet woman who lives 30 minutes down a dirt road in the suburbs of nowhere.  After we spent some time in discipling her in scripture she asked us if we wanted some oranges to take home with us.  We said yes and to make a long story short, we ended up trekking down a steep embankment following this sweet woman who was yielding a machete in a Rambo fashion and she showed us how incapable we were at plucking oranges from a 20 foot high tree.  We came home with 4 grocery bags full of oranges and a nice dose of humility. 

Without priorities those moments of connection would be obsolete.  Without careful planning I would not have the freedom to go pick oranges. I would waste time doing good things instead of seeking out the best.  I have time to build relationships because I have learned to say no to certain opportunities in my life.  Ephesians 5:15 says "Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil."  "No" is not a bad thing to learn how to say.  It just means that you value yourself and your own priorities that God has laid on your heart. 

Without the word No in my vocabulary I would be at church 5 nights a week, teaching English to every child in my town, and not have nearly enough time to do the ministry God has called me to do.  None of those things are bad, but they aren't at the top of my list. So, I learned to say that word.  I learned No.  And because of No, I got to have a great cup of orange juice this morning and I have a discipling friendship in bloom.