Thursday, August 17, 2017

Faucets and Prayer

She walked into the bathroom of the airport and the culture shock unfolded.  She was in the stall next to me.  Her first giggle-filled comment was, "Mommy!  There is soooo much toilet paper in here!"  Then, shortly after, came the gasp and yelp as the toilet automatically flushed.  From there she went to wash her hands and there were no knobs on the just automatically came on as if someone was secretly watching and waiting to turn on the water on for her.  Finally she went to dry her hands and the amount of air that came from the hand dryer was like a hurricane force wind.  None of this experience was familiar.  Everything was new and confusing.

Lydia's first moments of culture shock are a story that we have shared many times.  We all laugh and chuckle as we recall the simple things that were so foreign to our third culture kids.  Sometimes culture shock is quite humorous, especially when it happens to us.  I remember one year just before we came home to the states and the night prior to leaving BJ and I were watching a movie and were very confused by one part of the film.  The male lead character was standing in front of his television swinging a stick at it and jumping up and down as if it was totally normal. There was no explanation and we were totally lost.  We were utterly confused...until we came home to the states and discover Wii.  My absolute favorite story thus far in our culture shock moments was the year we came home and could not figure out why everyone in the airport had gone stark raving mad.  So many people were walking around the airport talking to themselves and no one seemed concerned.  It was absolutely bizarre...until we learned about Bluetooth.

Sometimes life can be like culture shock.  We find ourselves in a completely unfamiliar moment and do not quite know what to do. Standing bewildered and unsure.  Not knowing which way is up.  Some time ago, when we were beginning this work here in Loja Province, we stated that this ministry would be more of a marathon then a sprint.  It would take a lot of work and mountains of patience.  But still, i had fences around what that would look like.  God has slowly been knocking down those fences and asking me one very simple question, "Do you trust me?"

Prayer is something I have found to be the foundation of all we do here in Loja Province.  It is not just a part of the ministry.  It is the thread that runs through the entire ministry.  Nothing we do can have any profit without prayer.  Many years ago while sitting in Hughes Chapel at Asbury College I heard a man speak from the pulpit.  I do not remember his name but his words left an indelible mark in my heart.  We had just finished singing the great hymn "Sweet Hour of Prayer".  He stood up and instead of following what his planned sermon would be, he began by making a startling statement.  He said, "You must be careful the words that come out of your mouth as you sing to God.  You must be careful not to sing the words on a page if they are not true of yourself.  How many of yo u have ever spent an hour in prayer?  How many of you are truly able to worship God because of the sweetness of spending an hour of time in prayer with Him?"

I have never forgotten those words.  I began asking God to develope in me a heart that desires hours of prayer.  It seemed so outragous and impossible.  But over the years God has slowly grown the desire in my heart for time in prayer.  Over the years as i was a newlywed, then a new mom, then a mom of multiple children I have learned that my priorities are what gain my time and attention.  I have also learned that my time goes where i choose to put it.  It has not been a sprint.  It did not happen over night.  But, slowly over time, the Lord has grown the desire in my heart because I have chosen to give my time to Him.  James MacDonald talks about the lives of Christians having a pattern of  increasing consistency and frequency.  It will not be perfect but over time as we look back we will see a pattern emerge of growth in our lives.  We will be closer to God.  We will be deeper in our faith.  We will be stronger in our understanding of scripture.

At first, I did not realize that prayer would be the main thread of the work in Loja.  I knew that it was important.  I knew it was part of what we would do.  But, what i did not realize was that God would make me stop life in order to pray.  It was my culture shock moment.  It was my "bewildered and unsure" moment.  Currently my team members are all gone.  One team member is on Home Ministry Assignment raising funds in the states.  Another couple that we work with had to return to the states for medical reasons.  BJ is traveling for the next several weeks with only a few days at home.  I am at home with the kids.  I can not go and "do" discipleship.  This month the town where i live is bulging at the seems.  Tons of visitors have poured in to participate in a march of an idol through several of the nearby towns as well as our own.  Because of this roads are shut down and I am literally stuck at home.

There is so much that I want to "do".  I want to go and spend time with our disciples.  I want to be active in ministry.  But, God said sit.  God said stay home.  God said pray.  And so in the midst of the confusing unfamiliarity I find myself closer to God then ever.  We have been talking.  We have been focusing on the individuals that could some day be the leaders of churches.  We have been focusing on team member around the country and around the globe. We have been focusing on God's heart.  With more frequency and consistency as time goes by I know that what lies ahead can only be greater then what i am now experiencing.  And what i am now experiencing is depth and intimacy with my Heavenly Father.

Some days ministry does not look like what we expect.  Some days ministry is a sink with knobs...familiar and comfortable.  Other days it is man standing in front of his tv waving a stick and jumping around.  It is totally outside of what we thought it would be.  But, in the end, regardless of what it is, if it is from God it is the best step to take.