Monday, December 17, 2018

Mary had Chaos too

Chaos and Christmas go together.  Does that sound bad?  It’s true no matter how you look at it.  There is so much to be done and so many activities to attend.  The more we plan and try to pretend it is not crazy the worse it gets.  Think back to the beginning.  Even the first Christmas was total chaos.  Mary and Joseph were forced at the last minute to travel miles and miles for a census.  When they finally got to Bethlehem they were running so behind schedule that everyone else had already taken up all the available rooms.  They ended up in the stable with the animals.  I think Mary and I would have been good friends.  It was a pretty chaotic night. 

But it’s what Mary did amidst the chaos that spoke to my heart this Christmas.  Luke 2:19 says, “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” She didn’t try to pretend that the chaos wasn’t there, instead she chose to stop amidst the chaos and store up the treasures happening all around her. 

Many things are happening in our lives here in Ecuador right now.  Many blessings that translate to much business.  We just turned in our  adoption paperwork and it was accepted!  We are just a few steps away from getting our names on the waiting list for a child.   Super exciting!  We are in the midst of starting up a youth group in Chaguarpamba where we are living.  This past week we restarted our kids’ club that meets once a month.  We planned for 15-20 kids and had 42 show up!!  It was such a great chance  to share Jesus with the kids of Chaguarpamba.  We are having every day encounters with the people in town.  Relationships are forming and trust is being built.  We love what we are doing!  

Amidst the chaos of ministry and homeschooling our children life is pretty chaotic.  We have had to intentionally take time to stop and focus on the true meaning of Christmas.  Just like Mary, we are taking time to treasure all that Christmas represents.  Mary sat with the Christ child in her arms rocking him to sleep.  She knew so little of what lay ahead in her future, but she knew that  special was written all over it.  “God with us” was in her lap! 

As Christmas approaches will you join us in being intentional about spending time pondering the meaning of Christmas?  Sit in the stillness of the morning and read through the miracle of Christmas.  Before you go to bed at night read through a devotional that will help you treasure up the promise that is wrapped in Christmas.  Can you hear the amazing excitement in the air?  Ministry is about to burst open here in town.  But before the bursting, there is quiet.  Treasure it up in your hearts!

We pray your Christmas this year will be full of the true meaning of hope that was born that night. 

Merry Christmas,

The Williamson Family