Saturday, October 17, 2020

Big News and Big Changes

 October 2020 Have you ever wondered about what was going through the Israelites minds when they stood before the Red Sea BEFORE God opened a pathway? Imagine just looking at the impossibility of an over 7,000 feet deep body of water before you and an angry Egyptian army closing in behind you. Moses stands before the Israelites in this moment of absolute fear and tells them, “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” 

Six months ago, we were struck with fear and anxiety as we made a choice to quickly evacuate Ecuador. We had three days to pack our things and leave the country our hearts knew as home. The place three of our children were born. The place our lives had been invested in for years and years. The place God called us to just a few months after we were married, almost 17 years ago. 

We decided to use this evacuation time to come and care for BJ’s mother who has been ill and in need of family support. We spent our quarantine time in New Jersey and then began making preparations to go to Kentucky where BJ’s mom lives. Now that we are in Kentucky and aware of more details, God has placed it upon our hearts to stay here and care for BJ’s mother. And so we faced our Red Sea moment. What do we do?! We placed the situation before the Lord and were reminded of the words God spoke to Moses, “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” 

We prayerfully contacted the people at our office to let them know of our decision. We asked God to make a way. We asked God for employment. We asked God for a home. We asked God for peace in our hearts and the hearts of our children as we adjust to a living in a new foreign country. And we were still. 

As we quickly approached a day when we had to make a decision of what we were going to do we received an amazing offer from One Mission Society. BJ has been offered and accepted a job where so much of his life and ministry experience will be put to use. He will be joining the ECC (Every Community for Christ) production team, and his official title will be Train & Multiply translator liaison. BJ will be organizing and encouraging all of the translators around the globe that are working to put One Mission Society’s discipleship materials into their own countries’ languages. With this team, he will be working to provide these translators with the supplies and materials needed as well as the emotional support that is so crucial for those in this type of kingdom building work. These translated discipleship materials are used to disciple new believers into a deeper relationship with Christ. They are also used as evangelistic tools that new believers can share with their families, friends, and neighbors! 

 Eventually (when travel restrictions are a bit looser), he will be traveling to visit some of those translation teams around the world for face-to-face meetings. BJ will be working remotely from our home here in Kentucky so that we can stay closer to his mother and be available to her as needed. We are so grateful for this opportunity to continue kingdom building work with One Mission Society. We will continue to depend on your generous gifts and donations as BJ takes on this new role. This means you still have the opportunity to financially partner with us as we reach the nations for Christ. Donations made to our support account will continue to support the work we are involved in just as they have in the past. If you already support us regularly, no changes are necessary. If you would like to partner with us in ministry, please visit our giving page by clicking here

 Andrea has decided to step away from One Mission Society and focus on helping the kids adjust to life in the USA and invest time in Jonathan as we only have a few more years with him before he starts school! We ask that you pray for us in this time of transition. Our hearts are grieving those we have left behind and yet eager to see what lies ahead. We ask that you pray for the ministry in Chaguarpamba, Ecuador, and for Telmo and Cecilia who are so diligently taking on the responsibilities of reaching their community for Christ. Pray also for the ministry opportunities that lie ahead and for God to continue to open doors where we can share Christ with those around us. We realize you may have questions that have not been answered in this letter and welcome each of you to contact us by phone (859-583-5805) or by email at (

 When the Israelites turned around after having crossed the Red Sea, their lives were never the same. They had seen the hand of God in everything. They knew only He could have accomplished such a mighty act. We, too, feel God’s hand at work in our lives. We see his providence. We know his peace in trying times. And we can forever return to moments like these past several months, when life seems overwhelming and without resolution, and know that we have seen the hand of God at work in it all and say that it has been good. 

Under His Wings, 

The Williamson Family