Saturday, October 22, 2016

House cleaning and Harvest

I have been waiting for today to come for about two weeks.  I have been building up the excitement of it in my mind.  Planning, making mental lists, and I have even been found with a silly smirk on my face as I daydreamed about today.  Today, I am home all day to clean my house!!!  I know.  Its a bit pathetic.  But hear me out!!  It has been 3 months since I was able to dedicate an entire day to cleaning my house.  It has been "good enough cleaned" day after day.  The bathrooms have been either baby wipe cleaned or the kids have "cleaned" them, and by cleaned I mean wiping down the potty and using the same rag then to wipe the sink...right...kinda gross.  The floors have been swept and kinda mopped as we were running out the door or as a little three year old and his puppy tracked muddy prints behind me. If only I had more help and time!  But today corners will be noticed, walls will be wiped down, and all edges attended to.  Today is a detail kinda day. 

As I sit here to get myself organized I couldn't help but make a connection to the ministry we are doing here.  Have you ever read a verse in scripture for the gajillionth time and suddenly saw it in a new light?  The other day I was think about the great missionary verse in Matthew 9:37 where it says "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few".  Most times, if I was being honest, I read that verse and think "Yes Lord, the harvest is plentiful!"  As if it were this huge "to-do" list before me...and I love lists...especially the joy in crossing things off them.  I have even been know to add things to my daily list that I have already accomplished just so I can feel that satisfaction of crossing it off...I know I have issues...BJ lovingly reminds me of them in his own gentle ways. 

But, right now in this season of life it is the second part of that verse that is becoming a huge reality in my life.  The workers are few.  We see, on a daily basis, so many potential people to begin relationships with.  So many possibilities for kids clubs, youth groups, ladies groups, etc.  It is very difficult to draw a line and say here and no further.  I have had to do this many time in this past three months.  Why?  Because there is a difference between doing something and doing something well.
You see we could go and hop skip and jump from house to house visiting person after person but never really have enough time to invest in any of them.   But instead, in these past few months especially, we have had to put limits on meeting new people and beginning new ministries. 
Its not that new people are not around or that new ministry opportunities have not presented themselves.  The problem is that if we add any more ministry to our schedule we would be doing a disservice to all the ministries.  Does that make sense?  Its a hard place to be.  God has opened our eyes to so much future possibility but right now that's what it is...future. 

"The workers are few" is not just a verse that we read and dismiss here.  We live it every day.  Our hearts break when we are asked to start another kids club and we have to say "not yet".  When we go and visit someone and they want to take us all around their community to share what they are learning with their friends and neighbors and we have to say no.  Not no forever, but not yet.
This is why Jesus invested in a few, ya know those disciples.  He too faced the same problem.  Too many people and not enough time.  So he invested in a few so that they could go and share likewise.  And so right now we share with some so that they can go and make a difference in their own communities. 

So, how does this cross over to the every day Christian life?  Well, lets think about that.  What are you doing with your story?  God has given each of us a story of life transformation to share.  It is a unique story of God's work in your life.  It is a story only you can share.  Who are you sharing that story with?  If you don't have an answer maybe its time to start looking around at the people that God has surrounded you with. 

You may be called to travel to foreign countries and share Gods message of hope.  But, you may not.  So think about this.  What about that person at work that the Holy Spirit has been nudging you to speak to?  What if they are my next co-worker.  One person being led to Christ and being discipled in the word...that's where the ripple effect starts.  One person sharing with another, and then that person with another.  Satan tells you your not important.  Satan whispers in your ear that you can't make a difference.  Don't listen to those lies!  That one person that the Holy Spirit is leading you to could make all the difference! 

So as I deal with the reality today that, in my house as well, the workers have been few, I will find joy that I have been given a home to clean.  I will find gladness knowing that God is at work.  And I will find peace knowing that God never gives us more then we can handle together.  And I will accomplish a level of clean that would be impressive to the Queen of England...and that will be gone in the blink of an eye as soon as my sweet Micah wakes up from his nap. 

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