Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Days like this....

Taking out the trash.  Changing diapers.  Eating the cow hoof soup placed lovingly in front of me.  As missionaries we are sometimes daily presented with things that we don't want to do.  I am good with chicken foot soup...I really like the flavor...but cow hoof?  Bleck.  Each time I am faced with one of these moments I try to remind myself that these are character building moments.  They have their purpose. 
Sometimes those uncomfortable moments are just preferences and sometimes they are Satan whispering in our ear trying to convince us to look the other way.  Judgment
is needed at these times.  Can you relate?  Do you ever feel like you're presented with a problem that needs to be dealt with, but you just don't really want to?  If I am being honest that's where I am today.  I have a "to do list" a mile long and I could easily fill my time completing that list rather than dealing with this dilemma before me.  I have tried putting it off but God keeps bringing it back to my attention.  And when your boss calls and tells you to get on it...well...its time to get busy.  So here I am dealing with my problems.  Thanks Darryl.  :0) 

Money.  Its never easy to talk about and yet so necessary for us to do what we do.  We live in Ecuador with the purpose of sharing Christ to those who have no idea what a personal relationship with God means.  We are here to shine light into the darkness and to give hope to the hopeless.  And yet us being here is all contingent on all of our financial supporters back home keeping us here.  Without money we can't do what we do. 

I often joke when our support account is low that "God is going to have to sell some of those cattle on 1,000 hills if he wants us to stay put".  And yet, if we don't share the need God's people will not know of the opportunity to get involved.  And this is where Satan whispers in my ear.  "People don't believe in you"  "What your doing is too hard, go home."  "Just give up."  I am often tempted to keep quiet and just hope the funds come in.  But sometimes we have to share the need. We have to call out and say HELP! 

So here I am, sharing that over the past 10 months since we came back to Ecuador, we have had several of our monthly supporters who have died, or had other circumstances arise that have made it impossible for them to keep supporting us.  There is a gap.  And currently that gap is quite big.
If things don't change soon we will have to come home.  We have decided to take a 1/3 pay cut in order to try and offset this decrease in giving.  You see, we have been working for years to get a residential visa and finally got it.  One of the rules with this visa is that you can not leave the country for more than 6 weeks for 2 years.  If we leave before that 2 years is up we will have to start all over again. 
A lot is at stake.  And a lot of ministry is at stake.  We have just started making some contacts with people who just might be the future church body in the province of Loja.  We cannot walk away from this right now.  Leaving these relationships right now could be devastating to the work we have been doing.  We have been praying for these contacts for the past 3 years and we can't leave them now. 
So, I give to you what I cannot do for myself.  Would you be willing to be one of our monthly supporters?  Would you like to join our team and be active in spreading the gospel message to the dark corners of the earth?  Please pray with us that God would lead people to stand by us and walk along side of us in this ministry. 
Satan is fighting and we know that is because we are about to get a hold of some territory that he has possessed for quite some time now.  But it is not his to have.  God will be the victor of Loja Province, Ecuador. Will you join us? Here is a link to our donation page on One Mission Society: https://onemissionsociety.org/give/TheWilliamsons2

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