Saturday, May 7, 2016

So much to think about....

Life can be a bit much sometimes don't ya think?  Some days are normal "going through the motion" kinda days.  But, then there are those days that are markers.  Days that made a difference in such obvious ways.  Days that completely change you. 

This past week I was able to go to Manta, Ecuador where the 7.8 earthquake hit just a few weeks ago.  It was a Marker kinda day.  When you see the devastation, and physically touch the lives affected by tragedy you can not walk away the same.  Your not meant to.  God gives us those days.  Sometimes we don't understand why.  Why is there so much pain?  Why can't I come up with words to say to people who have lost everything?  Why them and not me?  But then I realize that I am very off course.  I am asking the wrong questions. 

At times like these I realize that the question I need to be asking is "How can you use me God?"  Instead of focusing on what I do not understand and what I can not do, I need to realize what I can do.  I can give a child some water. I can hug a woman who is desperate for help.  I can share the hope of Christ with those who seem to be completely out of hope.  I can do something. 

As I walked around this city in absolute awe of what 1 minute of shaking can do to so many buildings, homes, and businesses, I realized that in all this distress and overwhelming need there is a voice calling out.  It started as a whisper when Pastor Julio and His wife started going out to hand out food and water to church members they found in need.  It started growing louder as church members joined them and used their cars to take relief supplies further into the community.  The voice is now starting to shout  as a soup kitchen is opening out of that church and aiming to feed up to 500 people a day.  Do you hear it? 
Its hope.  It is people acting out what Jesus taught so many times through scripture.  It is love in action.  It may be the only hope these people experience each day.  They are so desperate to know they are not forgotten.  And every day that the body of Christ shows up and acts in love towards them they hear that voice in their ears.  "Hope is here, Jesus loves you."  I pray that this hope continues to shout out into the darkness that is Manta right now. 

Marker days are important.  They shape us.  They grind off our rough edges and humble us to a point that we are only able to be used by God.  They are not our easiest of days but if one life changes course and finds the hope of Jesus, that discomfort is absolutely worth it.  Lord make me uncomfortable for others sake.  If you would like to contribute to the relief efforts OMS is involved in you can donate at 

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